Sunday, 20 November 2011

Sunday Snippet - He wanted to, truely!

 What kind of mother would I be if my children asked if they could help clean, and I denied them the experience. He did a great job of his window too.
Linking up with Tinniegirl for Snippet Sunday

 and Kortney's Krazy Life


  1. Lol, better take advantage of this now. They'll learn all too quickly that it's not all that fun.

    xoxo, Nali

    Ps visiting from comment love day.

  2. Stopping by from the Super Stalker Sunday and following your blog via GFC
    would love a return gfc follow :)

    I'm already a GFC follower so I now follow on FB as well as michelle bardos and my page is

  3. Hey any time my kids want to help around the house with the chores is a great day in my house! Wishing you a happy Sunday!

  4. aww! what an awesome guy :) so cute
    merry comment lovin '.
    bailey j. x

  5. Hi There, I like your blog and thank you for liking my facebook page. My children 2 and 4 years were helping to wash up yesterday. We had more water on the floor than in the sink but the kids enjoyed it!
