Friday 14 February 2014

Thanks For The Valuable Lessons

Last year, as our son started his new adventures in Prep at "The Big School", hubby and I voiced our opinion to the school which teacher was "our" choice. The teacher we had chosen was known to us, having taught our daughter at the same age. More important, to us, than knowing the teacher, was knowing her technique and structure in the classroom.

We feel that this decision served our son well, as he integrated into full time school life. Perhaps if we had any choice of teacher in Kindergarten, he would have struggled less?

This year, whilst being assigned the same teacher, it was to be for only the first two weeks of the 1st term, as she had made plans at the end of last year to move interstate.

While we are saddened to see our school lose a good teacher, we feel that our son has benefited greatly from learning from her in his first year.

The areas of growth and learning he experienced were less to do with reading and mathematics, but more along on the lines of behaviour and maturity whilst in the school setting and amongst his peers.

I think that, at such a young age, that this is an important starting platform.

His teacher placed great importance on listening, following instruction, showing respect to your peers, speaking with confidence, being rewarded for outstanding behaviour, encouraging family communication, representing the school ideals, and trying your best.

With these lessons fresh in his mind, he can build on his education and we look forward to a fresh face, and new learning opportunities with his new teacher.

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A Cuppa For Mama - Time For A Cuppa

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