Saturday 25 June 2011

Very Pleased to Meet You!

So I have joined inkparperpen and have been introduced me to a writing exercise, which is as follows:
Write On Wednesdays Exercise 1 - Very Pleased to Meet You!: Write about yourself as you are in this moment. Use the five senses to do so. The main idea is that we should get a little more insight into YOU after we read your piece. Here are some (optional) questions to get you started: How do YOU look right now? What colours/fabrics/accessories are you wearing? What can you see? Consider lighting, shapes, objects. How do YOU sound right now? What can you hear? What can you smell? Does the smell remind you of anything? Can you taste anything? How do YOU feel? Comfortable? Tired? What are you touching? Is it cold, hot, smooth? What is your posture like? Slumped? Sitting? Standing? What does your posture say about your mood?
And I thought, let do this. So here goes!
I'm in our cosy office chair donated by a friend from his workplace. It's not what you know, it's who you know - I'm a strong believer of this.
I still have my clothes on from work being a light knit top, soft green pants .... and my slippers. The slippers were a "must have" as soon as I walked through the door. Today was bitterly cold, and the first place I feel the cold is my feet. Also, they are comfy.
Ok ... interrupted for the second time by a three year old who is up wayyyy past his bedtime, because he now wants to go to the toilet, unlike the three times I asked him if he wanted to go.
So I have now grabbed a ginger nut biscuit (it calms me to chew) and sit cross-legged at the laptop. Finally, silence ... or close to it. Hubby has gone to bed (hopefully he has switched on my magic blanket - our kids' name for the electric blanket). I hear the soft hum of the heat pump, my daughter coughing in her sleep and me ... tapping on the keyboard.
Considering it's late I am still feeling quite energetic. This must be a good thing, right ... or it means I will have trouble falling asleep. Some nights I fall into bed mentally and physically exhausted. Tonight I have a little left to burn. Hmm ... burn. I forgot to light my scented candle that has become a ritual for me. It doesn't smell that much, although my sense of smell is dreadful, but the glow from the candle and the flicker is comforting.
With the taste of the biscuit still strong, I am dislodging any bits from my teeth with my tongue. I need to adjust my wrists as I write, as I have a large watch on the left hand which I got for Mother's Day(the face covers my whole wrist), and I'm wearing my troll bead bracelet on the other. The beads are mostly gifts from my hubby and family and they are growing slowly in numbers. Unlike the one shown here my leather is black, and my silver beads are surrounded by glass beads of brown and blue. The beads tend to drop to the bottom of the bracelet which is why I need to keep adjusting my wrist to reposition them.
As I look around our lounge room, and think "it really IS time to go to bed", my eyes fall on the organised chaos that is our family. The polar fleece blanket casually crumpled on the lounge, a pile of washing folded and ready to be put away, a rack full of washing being dried magically by the heat pump as we sleep. My camera sits next to the laptop and is ALWAYS close to hand. There are a couple of sections of mandarin left by my son on the desk and an empty cupcake wrapper from my daughter's cooking efforts today.
Watch out! The three year old terror has surfaced again to climb on my back. "Do you want a massage Mummy?"  "Oh yeah" I reply, completely giving up on being angry with him from not staying in bed.  So he has chosen a book for me to read him in bed, and then .... I MUST go to bed myself or I will have serious anger issues with my alarm in the morning.


  1. lol - it's hard to stay cranky with them for sneaking out of bed when they manage to be so sweet about it. :)

    Craving gingernuts now!

  2. Haha, I also wrote my Wednesday piece in my slippers, with biscuits close by!
    Well done, I think you wrote very true to the requirements of the exercise, and managed to continue even when being interrupted!
