Tuesday 11 October 2011

Just keep knocking

Children are in bed. Just hubby and I. Good old horror flick coming on soon. Snuggled on the lounge. Just get past the intro ..... hubby's pager goes off. Are you kidding me?

Nope, not kidding. This is the usual scenario.
As I sit on my lonesome and the movie starts to heat up, I wonder... Did hubby set his own pager off to get out of watching the movie? No, surely not. We have seen it before. Pretty scary - very real. He laughed as it began this time that the movie wasn't really that scary. I reminded him that it had just started.

I am totally into the depths of the movie. The weather outside is horrible with wind and rain. Poor hubby is out in it. The scenes of the movie are the sort that you don't want to see but you can't look away. The hour is getting late. I jump half a foot in the air ..... the phone rang.

It is hubby. He is ringing to let me know the accident rescue job will take quite a bit longer with a truck involved and blocking the road. He's not sure how much longer.

He then informs me

"I don't think I grabbed my house keys, just leave the door unlocked."

A huge pause from me as I stare ahead blankly. I remind him what movie I am watching and tell him the odds of this happening is nil.

He will just have to stand out in the cold and knock!

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