Wednesday 5 December 2012

Olden Day Activities

 My children often ask what activities we did when we were young (because it was the "old days" and things were sooooo different).
This question gets asked when they are bored. Even all the toys they have full of batteries, noise and movement doesn't stop this from happening!
Hopscotch was a favourite "way back then", and really is one of those classic activities that is simple, but keeps the kids active and amused.

This week the driveway has been full of different size Hopscotch, as well as drawings with chalk.

Joining in with

Catch My Words
From pdx with love
Heartbeat Magazine Blog
Taylor Joelle Designs
Crafty spices

Chubby Cheeks Thinks
My Little Drummer Boys


  1. We love drawing with chalk too.

  2. My boys think that in the 'olden days' everything was black and white! I will give them some coloured chalk to prove the existance of colour in days gone by.

    1. I used to love giving my parents flack about the olden days, so I guess this is Karma!

  3. Unfortunately we don't have a huge space on which to draw with chalk, but they utilize what they can. Not sure if they could play hopscotch or not. I always loved hopscotch, back in the olden days.

    1. Have you played it recently? Not sure if I feeling my age or unfit, but it can be a good workout. lol

  4. Good old fashioned, get outside fun. I remember many days at school playing hopscotch :)

  5. Chalk on concrete is such a fun activity.

    Thanks for linking up x
    Trish - My Little Drummer Boys
