Saturday, 29 October 2011

Things I know ... about nits!

These are the things I know this week

I know that with the mention of nits or head lice, I get the creepy crawly feeling all over. My own head starts to itch just at the thought.

I know that girls tend to get nits more often than boys.

I know that as soon as nits are detected, my daughter feels the need to get close and hug me.

I know that long, thick hair is an ABSOLUTE nightmare when it comes to removing the lice and their eggs.

I know that after several products, there is no quick fix, once only product.

I know that the double edge combs for removing lice is the greatest invention since sliced bread.

I know that I will find nits in my daughter's hair JUST before bedtime, or JUST before the shops close(if I'm all out of product), or JUST before an appointment.

I know my daughter thought she was part of a cool club when we first discovered nits in her hair. That was before I spent a solid 2 hours applying the treatment and trying to remove the foreign objects. She doesn't think it's so cool now.

I know that the next time I see my daughter itch her head, I'm not even going to check for nits. I'm going straight into battle
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1 comment:

  1. We are yet to get nits-but I know our day must be soon!
