Sunday, 30 October 2011

Courtesy is not so common

Sunday Grumble at Madam Bipolar
Is it just me or have you noticed how self-absorbed many people are these days? Would it kill people to notice the person in front of them. Take a look around, many people have one problem or another. It's not ALL about you. So not cool!

I was at a shop recently, as I paid the cashier she said to me "Have a nice day", to which I replied, "I hope you have a good day too". The poor girl look so shocked, and stammered out a "Thank you very much". Does nobody ever repay the comment?

I also notice the arrogance in drivers on the road. Some would rather hit a car than let them merge into their lane.

I was also bought up to hold open a door if someone is going to come through it behind you. This seems to be a rare thing to see people doing.

Even our polite language is slipping. "Bless you" when someone sneezes comes naturally to me. I also stress to our children that they must not interrupt a conversation and should wait their turn. I don't know how many adults I have noted butting in on a conversation, and people talking over the top of others. I find this rude and very frustrating.

So that is my grumble for the week, linking up with Madam Bipolar.


  1. Butting in on conversation, without an apology, is one of my biggest gripes. I so hear you on this one.
    Thanks for joining Grumble Sunday again. xx

  2. The self absorption is very disturbing. I agree! I can't stand how people do not SEE others. kills me.

  3. like the woman who arrived at pilates class late and squeezed her mat into the tiny space in front of me, forcing me against the wall ... realising remonstrating was useless, I grabbed my gear and moved to the large space in the middle of the room. could give you an example for every day of the week, too! *sigh* xt

  4. I completely agree with you! When I ring people, out of upbringing and habit, I introduce myself and then I ask how they are today. Most people are shocked that I even bother to ask or treat me with distrust because it is so out of the ordinary. When did common courtesy become uncommon and old fashioned????

  5. HA!!! My gruble post is similar, some gross man sitting almost ON ME at the cinema. Courtesy, people. I also hate when you hold the door open for someone and they grunt at you and walk past. I feel like slamming in on their ass!
