Friday, 4 November 2011

Happiness is ... the school bus

Linking up as usual with Rub Some Dirt On It


It's amazing how much time I save not having to do the school drop in the morning.

I never would have thought it possible last year, but Miss 7 has got her act together and is catching the school bus every morning and afternoon.

It was a big step for her to stand outside our house by herself waiting for the bus. I try not to stay at the window the whole time she is waiting.

It was always a struggle in the morning, and we would be the mother and daughter walking in as the bell rang - for the second time. Now, Miss 7 is delivered by the bus and has some time to play and organise herself before class starts. I also get some time to myself and get ready at my pace.

As happy as I am to see her getting on the bus in the morning, I feel the relief and same happiness when she jumps off in the afternoons.
It is hard letting go, giving her wings. So far, she seems to fly OK without me.


1 comment:

  1. Way to go, Mama. I can only imagine how hard it would be to let her take that first step to independence, but sounds like it's good for everyone! I'm glad you can celebrate these moments of growth, rather than try to hold her back. I hope I can do the same when my time comes!

    Thanks for sharing this with me at Rub Some Dirt On It!
