Tuesday 10 January 2012

2012 - The year of Control

The gorgeous Maxabella Loves has done it again this year.She is encouraging us to focus on ONE WORD for the year. A word that is significant to you and want you want out of 2012.

My one word is .....
image source

Rather than go with the flow in 2012, I would like more control. Be more active in how and when things happen. Be more deliberate with my actions.
I am taking control of my diet, exercise and well being. I am taking control of my thought process. I am taking more control over my bad habits. I am taking more control over the finances. I am taking more control over my children's education and their up-bringing. I am taking more control over our house and the way we choose to live.
How, I hear you ask.

I am going to look at the things that worked and didn't work in 2011, as well as the things I want to achieve and experience in 2012. 
I am going to plan and organise more, so that I have a say in how things work and the way things pan out.

By doing this our lives will flow better, have a better structure, and be more about routine.

It sounds so simple doesn't it? I will keep you informed on how I am going periodically.

If nothing else, it should be an adventure full of learning.

Linking up with Diary of a SAHM


  1. Ah, control. I struggle to keep it myself! Best of luck, Melissa Jane. x

  2. Control can potentially encompass so many things - an intriguing New Years resolution. It will be an interesting journey for us to follow too. :)

  3. Great word! My (5) words are remember, legacy, inspire, Jessence, and fearless. I like the word concept; it seems more real. :)

  4. I'm going for focus words/themes too though I'm still refining my list. Control is one thing I'd like to have more of but with a bub who I have to dance around still in relation to feeding and sleep, I am trying to relinquish control more before I go totally mad. I am out of my element in that sense but I know it's just for this season. And I agree with you about anything we do. We can only try and keep trying.

  5. Good luck! I tend to just go with the flow, but I think a bit more 'control' would probably complement my 2012 word "focus".

  6. I find I feel out of control so often, so am using organisation as my way of feeling in control this year! Good luck with it all!

  7. Especially by the end of the year, I feel like I am just swimming along wherever the water will take me. I guess that is where my word came from; the need to be able to hop out of the river when needed.
