Monday 9 April 2012

Such a thoughtful hubby...

I made a decision to go internet-free over the Easter break. It was as easy as that. I would simply leave the laptop on the desk waiting for me. We would be back in four days. Just four days - not a lifetime. I was proud for making that decision. It was mine to make and I did it.

On the way to our beach holiday spot, I thought of my decision to be internet-free, and the things it would allow me to do. More family time, more reading time... more me and us time.

We arrived at our familiar destination and started to unload.  As we hauled our gear inside, I stopped short as I noticed my hubby placing the laptop bag on the table. He looked at me quizzically as I stared at his action. "I wasn't going to bring it" I blurted out, as an explanation to my stare.
"Well I decided to pop it in so you can do something for me online" said hubby, like he was worthy of some prize.

All my ideals for the weekend went straight out the door at that point. My internet addiction and terrible waste of valuable me and us time had followed me on holiday.

I ignored the black bag during the first day, as it sat watching me trying to relax. I could hear it thinking, 'you won't last, it's just a matter of time'. That evening I decided to jump on the internet and do hubby's deed for him, and it would be done. Task completed - on with the holiday.

Unfortunately it was not that simple as I struggled to get our mobile internet stick to connect. By the time I finally connected I was full of frustration. I completed the task for hubby and then proceeded to Facebook and Google Reader. It had taken so long to get to this point I might as well get some benefit to reward my efforts.

A five minute "quick check" turned into well over an hour, possibly pushing two. I greedily drank in the words on the screen and my finger caressed the mouse as I pondered my next word in my Facebook-Words with Friends game.

I had become lost in cyber world again.  I slowly came out of the haze as I noticed sudden rustling and movement, indicating it was bedtime. Thank goodness for the dodgy internet reception that would deter me from jumping back on over the rest of the weekend.

Life Love and Hiccups


  1. I understand only too well, Well written and an enjoyable read

  2. I have to admit that my internet addiction is growing stronger by the day! If I'm not itching to check my work emails, I'm trying to avoid looking at Pinterest and Blogger! Oh well, I always argue it's more intelligent than watching TV :) xx

    Anna (My Design Ethos)

  3. I have lost interest in most TV shows Anna.
