I know you are dying to know the big event we had the pleasure of attending over the weekend.
Miss 8 was fortunate to join me and it was hard to tell who was more excited out of the two of us. To attend the performance of this legendary group has been high on my list for some time. Luckily, for us, Hobart was on the tour list, which is the first time they have performed here since 1996. I also get to tick it off my 2012 TO DO LIST to see a musical/theatrical performance.
Tap Dogs is a brilliant production, set on a construction site, which ties back to how the group began 15 years ago. With the amazing talent of six dancers and 2 musicians, the show is non-stop action. It was visually spectacular, the dancing was amazing, the hints of comedy were funny and the use of props and stage was very clever. It was truly one of those performances where I didn't want to look away in case I missed something.
The following footage which appeared on Channel 7 Sunrise is a great sample of the talent of the boys from Tap Dogs. Is it any wonder that Tap Dogs were a part of the Sydney Olympics ceremony? There are also some great shots of the Blundstone boots in this footage that they treasure and insist on wearing for every performance.
If you get the chance to ever attend a performance, I would highly recommend it.
You can catch more Tap Dogs information and tour details here.

nice blog