I feel like I start every New Year on the back foot. I always have a list as long as my arm of things I want to do and achieve. On that list, you will always find 1. Lose weight, 2. Improve Fitness and 3. Eat Healthier. 2013 is different my friends. This year, I have a head-start.
2012 saw the introduction to a healthier me, with more exercise, a dramatic decrease in Sugar in my diet, and as a result, I lost 6.2 kilograms, 6 centremetres from my waist, and 5 centimetres from my hips. I am happier, more energetic and so much fitter, not to mention more comfortable.
These measurements are great. The result my personal trainer, Sherri was most pleased with though, was that I no longer need medication to keep my Blood Pressure at a normal level.
Woo hoo!
I must say I am very excited about this too.
Succumbing to Anxiety Disorder, with my Blood Pressure rising to dangerous levels, needing tablets to keep it down, was certainly not where I pictured myself in my mid-30s!
2012 was my year to take back control.
2013 will be my year to build on this great kick-start to my health, keep challenging myself and achieve those goals.
Congratulations on kick-starting your health. May it continue in 2013.