Saturday, 22 October 2011

Happiness is ... toes in the sand

This weekend we are relaxing at our beach holiday spot. You've got to love long weekends. It is Hobart Show time here in Tasmania. We take whatever opportunity we can to get away and enjoy family time.

The weather has worked out to be just right. Yesterday it was just warm enough to be comfortable, but not quite warm enough to swim at the beach. So the kids and I went rock jumping, I spent some time reading, and I even had an afternoon nap! Last night we went to a local jetty and hubby was lucky enough to catch a few squid.

Today, I started the day off with a good walk around the beach with the dog. When I got back, I could tell it was going to be a lovely day. After some breakfast, the kids were as keen as mustard to get down to the beach and get wet. We spent a good part of the morning and early afternoon building castles, having a splash and chillin' out.

Tonight, we will be eating our squid and having a barbecue. Maybe just a little more relaxing on top of that.

I have really enjoyed the chance to relax and dig my toes into the sand. No set agenda and no restrictions to our day. When we come to the beach it's not only an opportunity to stick my toes in the sand, but in theory, stick my head in the sand as well. It's great to get away from the daily grind and just push it all to the back of your mind for a couple of days. We all know that the grind will certainly be there, waiting for us, when we return home.

rub some dirt blog


  1. I'm so jealous of your holiday and your chance to unwind. Sounds like an absolutely lovely weekend :) Couldn't agree more!

    Thanks for sharing this with us at Rub Some Dirt On It!

  2. Oh, that picture just makes me feel warm inside. Not enough toes in the sand around here this year. I blame the weather!

    Visiting via the Rewind.

  3. Oh that sounds lovely. Though coming from up north it is hard to comprehend a warm day in Tassie with toes in the sand

    1. The sun down here has a real bite to it, and it's easy to get sunburned. Though, you're right, Tassie is not known for it's scorchers.

  4. oh, would love a trip to the beach!
    Sounds like a lovely day.

    visiting via rewind :)
