Sunday, 16 October 2011

Just don't want to hear it!

Sunday Grumble at Madam Bipolar

I love blog hops, and the newest hop should be applauded. I am joining Madam Bipolar today (and probably every other Sunday to come). This is totally against the theme of my blog, I know, but every gal needs to have a grumble sometimes.

I have had it up to my ears lately with people grumbling to me about other people! The grumblers are not perfect (none of us are), and maybe should check their own history for the crime supposedly committed by another before they open their big mouths.

And what makes them think I want to hear it anyway?


  1. Thanks for joining me at Grumpy Sunday.
    Those people sound v boring and repetitive. Suggest ear muffs. Xx

  2. Those sorts of grumblers seem to be everywhere unfortunately - the best thing we can do is not be like them!

  3. Yep, Madam Bipolar's on the money - ear muffs will send the right message!

    Or I've found it's usually the people who grumble the most have the least to grumble about so you could also try being devil's advocate and pointing out all the positives about whatever they're grumbling about - nothing like taking the wind out of someone's sails to stop the grumbles!

  4. And the grumblers are usually talking about something so insignificant and petty!
